OCHII PĂRINTELUI JUSTIN. Privirea Duhovnicului României în fotografiile
Cristinei Nichituș Roncea. 101 ani de la nașterea Mărturisitorului de la
Petru Vodă
A privi în ochi Sufletul iradiază din trup, din chip, se face auzit prin
grai, dar mai ales se revarsă din privire. Cugetele noastre, faptele
noastre ne zu...
4 years ago
Am facut un mic studiu asupra pasapoartelor biometrice in tarile ortodoxe est europene care descopera presiunea UE pro pasapoarte si gravitatea de fapt a problemei mai mare decat pare:
Russia - New Biometric Passports With Empty Chips Issued 14 January 2008 By Svetlana Osadchuk
The first biometric passports for Russians traveling abroad will be issued this month as Russia joins the world community in its efforts to fight terrorism, the Federal Migration Service said Friday.
Biometric passports in Bulgaria from September 2009 - Tuesday, 2008-11-25
September 2009 is the deadline for introducing biometric passports in Bulgaria. The European Union has given this time to Bulgaria and the other member states that still do not use the papers with embedded chips. After this date the states will be liable to sanctions different for each country. The grounds for levying sanctions are the delay of the Schengen legislation development as this legislation is the main defender of the Union`s borders. Experts think that fines can reach as high as couple of thousands of euro a day if deadlines are not kept.
Belarus – December 2008
Implementation of plastic documents will not only speed up Belarus’ entrance into the international document flow, but will also solve the “one entry service” problem, indicated Alexander Kurlypo, deputy minister of finance, while opening the presentation. What is required for making the new document? Citizen’s passport data, a digital picture, two scanned fingerprints and signature will be submitted to nationality and migration offices equipped with new appliances. Afterwards this data will be handed to unified information center.
Visitors to presentation could observe manufacturing of a new sample ID card, demonstrated by Sergei Pliska, director of Republican unitary enterprise “Cryptotech”. First, the paper part is printed on a two-side printer. After thermal processing the paper and plastic parts are alloyed. Electronic chip, the “brain” of the card, is embedded into the document. Intellectual machines read information from the card and… from card holder’s face. At the presentation Sergei Pliska tried to “cross border” with deputy minister’s card but computer displayed: authentication failed. To introduce the new passports, it is necessary to arrange a unified registry, the software for which is being developed in National Academy of science. Yet some components for biometrical passports will be purchased abroad. According to experts, introduction of electronic documents is still more economic than that of paper ones. As for personal expenditures, a biometrical passport is expected to cost within Euro 5–7. http://www.belarus-magazine.by/en.php?subaction=showfull&id=1131638325&archive=1136548719&start_from=&ucat=4&
Biometric passports to be introduced in 2010 in Ukraine - 26 June 2007
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decree to set up database and format of new foreign passport for citizens of Ukraine for the purpose of traveling abroad. The new passports are very close to the EU standards and will be introduced in 2010. They will include a non-contact electronic data with passport biometrical data in accordance with international rules, as well as an ID-number of a natural person tax-payer and two digitize images of a person presenter with digitize image of his/her signature. http://soderkoping.org.ua/page14905.html
During the official ceremony which took place at 12:00pm noon at the State Residence “Villa Gorica”, Prime Minister Đukanović was accompanied by Mr. Jusuf Kalamperović. In his speech, the Minister of Interior underscored that the issuing of this new biometric passport — which going to replace the Yugoslav passport carried by Montenegrins since the mid-1990s — is an important pre-condition for joining the Schengen zone, which will soon allow every citizen of Montenegro visa free travel in 24 European states — 22 European Union Member States and 2 associated States, Norway and Iceland. http://www.njegoskij.org/article376.html
Georgian citizens to use biometric passports 14.01.09
Citizens of Georgia will be able to use new passports from 2009. The Civil Registry Agency has started working on issuing biometric passports. With the new passports, complete identification of person will be able. Taking of the passports by Georgian citizens will be voluntary. The biometric passports will have several distinctive details form the old ones. A special microchip that will contain electric, photo and fingertip, together with personal information will be installed in the cover of the passport. Another page may be added to the passport where information about iris of the owner will be placed. Twenty-six countries use biometric passports already and twenty more countries will join them until 2010. Citizens of Georgia will presumably be able to use the biometric passports from September 2009. http://www.rustavi2.com/news/news_text.php?id_news=29736&pg=1&im=main&ct=0&wth=
Romania: Protests against biometric passports - 11 February, 2009
A few hundred Romanians gathered on 1 February 2009 to protest against the introduction of the obligatory biometric passports starting with the beginning of 2009. The event comes after the first passports with biometric identifiers (including fingerprints) were issued at the end of January in the county of Ilfov, as a first implementation in the country. The decision was heavily contested by several prominent members of the Orthodox Church that consider it as the first step towards the introduction of biometric identifiers in all ID cards, which is a direct action against freedom of religion and freedom of expression or the right to a private life.
A few civil society pro-orthodox groups, gathered under the name "Coalition against the Police State", started on online petition, with more than 15 000 signatures, calling for a stop to the biometric passports and biometric driving licences, until the situation has been properly explained by the authorities. The coalition also organized the event on 1 February in front of the Patriarchy Palace and announced that one lawyer started a civil action in court in order to stop the Government Decision that allows the issuing of the biometric passports.
The people protesting presented banners stating: "Let us choose!" or "Support the Church ! Refuse the implant!". Several speakers expressed their concern that imposing obligatory biometric IDs is an attempt to make humans same as cattle as a first step to Total Control from the state. Others have considered that the new electronic chip contains the number 666, which, in their opinion, means the first step towards the Apocalypse. The extreme right-wing party Noua Dreapta has joined the demonstration with their specific flags.
The Romanian Patriarchy Orthodox Church refused to publicly support the events, calling for calm and prayers, but at the same time asked the Romanian Government more information regarding the new biometric passports. An official opinion should be issued after their meeting in 27-28 February 2009.
Serbia - January 30, 2009
The issuance of new ID cards and new biometric passports for Serbian commenced citizens in April and August last year respectively. However, citizens are facing some problems. Although the Serbian Interior Ministry accepted and applied by most of the recommendations proposed by ombudsman Sasa Jankovic, there are still problems that cause dissatisfaction of citizens, and great damage in the form of lost time and violations of other rights. Jelica Tapuskovic has more. New documents of citizens of Serbia are one of the conditions for faster inclusion of Serbia on the white Schengen list. New documents include biometric data and microchips containing all relevant data of citizens. The predicted timeline for the issuance of a new identity card is 15 days, while the new passports are issued within 30 days at most.
In 2007 the Serbian Church followed the pattern of similar protests in 2000-2002 within the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches, when their respective governments attempted to institute compulsory electronic ID cards and tax numbers. Many church members raised objections to having an object – the "smart chip" – on their ID cards tied to data to which they didn't have free access. They also were wary of having their personal data centralized in electronic form and available to unspecified third parties. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53945
Canada: has recently introduced biometrics in the use of passports with the help of digitized photos. The future passports may contain a chip that holds a picture of the person and personal information such as name and date of birth. In the 2008 Federal Budget, Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance announced electronic passport will be introduced in 2011. http://www.findbiometrics.com/article/649
Doamne ajuta!
foarte isteata ideea cu microundele...dar ce or zice politistii rutieri daca vad gaura aceea in el? eu il impacetez in foita de staniol...si ciuciu semnal...
mda e ceva si cu "sabotarea" semnalului dar nu cred ca tocamai asta ar fi problema, ci faptul ca este de ajuns ca suntem de acord sa fim in posesia unor astfel de acte. dragii mei, "ei" au anticipat aproape tot ce se petrece, asadar le este de ajuns sa se accepte porcariile lor, indiferent ce face fiecare cu actul sau, ori mai bine zis cu "antena" sa.ma cam strange in spate deoarece lumea nu prea acorda importanta, de fapt kiar refuza sa gandeasca la ceea ce se petrece deja, dar sa mai si anticipeze o dicatatura mondiala, deja ma considera sarit de pe fix, majoritatea cu care am discutat. etse trist si dureros faptul ca stramosii nostri au varsat rauri de sange si doar pentru asi apara neamul si credinta, iar azi... nu numai ca nu o mai aparam, ci o vindem. eu peresonal, din dorinta mea, sper ca, DUMNEZEU sa ne lumineze mintea sa deschidem ochii cat mai curand posibil si poate poate vom mai putea sta impotriva acestei fiare, careia deja ii curg balele peste toata omenirea gata gata sa ne inhate si sa ne inghita. in calitate de crestin ortodox nu numai ca am onoarea deosebita de a lupta alaturi de DUMNEZEU, ci si obligatia. izbanda vesnic va fii de partea LUI, precum si sacrificiul din partea noastra. DUMNEZEU sa ne ajute!
stima si respect : alex, bacau
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