Fenomenul a apărut de acestă dată în comuna Dragomireşti din judeţul Dâmboviţa. Imaginile au fost publicate de un ziar local. Iulian din Agnita a filmat ciudatul fenomen în drum spre Medgidia în dreptul localităţii Feteşti, pe Autostrada Soarelui. Norii păreau că s-au strâns toţi într-un loc, iar Eugen din Bucureşti a fotografiat acest fenomen duminică dimineaţă.
Un fenomen asemănător a fost filmat şi la Moscova, iar imaginile au apărut pe youtube. Specialiştii români spun că este vorba despre o formaţiune noroasă, rară. Astfel de nori se formează - de regulă - înaintea furtunilor puternice de vară şi sunt un semn al cantităţi mari de vapori de apă care se adună în atmosferă, sustine Realitatea.net fara sa realizeze ca suntem in prag de iarna nu de vara.
Insa intr-un articol publicat in septembrie pe site-ul Space.com se afirma ca astfel de nori, care au fost vazuti si pe cerul Budapestei si care par a fi urmele unor "OZN"-uri sunt, de fapt, rezultatul unui experiment NASA cu aplicatii militare: obstructionarea urmaririi din sateliti a activitatii terestre. Se intampla acelasi lucru in Romania?
Cititi mai jos articolul (pentru traducere folositi google translate):
![]() | Eerie Cloud Created by NASA Rocket Experiment By Tariq Malik Managing Editor posted: 20 September 2009 05:24 pm ET |
An eerie cloud that glowed briefly in the night sky Saturday was no UFO. It was created by humans - more specifically a NASA rocket built to make clouds that shine at night.
The rocket launched as part of an experiment to artificially create so-called noctilucent - or night-shining - clouds, the highest clouds on Earth. They naturally appear around 50 miles (80 km) above Earth's high latitudes and are also known as polar mesospheric clouds.
Saturday night's rocket experiment lifted off at 7:46 p.m. EDT (2346 GMT) from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Va. It created a brief light show that was visible across the United States' East Coast and sparked calls from curious skywatchers as far away as Boston, according to the Associated Press.
"It was very impressive ... albeit short-lived," said Joe Rao, an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium, who witnessed the event. Rao is also SPACE.com's skywatching columnist.
The experiment created a man-made noctilucent cloud using the fourth stage of a NASA Black Brant XII suborbital sounding rocket that spewed exhaust particles 173 miles (278 km) above Earth. Ground-based radar and camera stations recorded the resulting cloud's formation and illumination. The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Department of Defense's Space Test Program oversaw the launch, which it called the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment.
NASA has observed naturally occurring night-shining clouds using its AIM satellite. The Naval Research Laboratory and Space Test Program also uses a satellite called STPSat-1 to observe the phenomena and also used the spacecraft to observe Saturday night's man-made cloud.
"We weren't exactly sure what we were going to see, as this was the very first time that a noctilucent cloud experiment was attempted," Rao said. "Would it be something obvious to the eye, or something rather faint?"
The result, he added, was spectacular.
Rao described the cloud as "a brilliant object" that displayed a wide, fan-shaped tail shortly after it was created. But the artificial phenomenon was over in just a few minutes.
"The "head" of the comet (which was the rocket's fourth stage) rapidly faded out and the "tail" gradually faded over the next minute or so into the background of the sky," Rao said.
Scientists will use the measurements of the artificial cloud to better understand natural noctilucent clouds, as well as help predict the effects of rocket engine exhaust in the upper atmosphere.
Saturday night's experiment was a cooperative effort by NASA, the United States Naval Research Laboratory, the Defense Department's Space Test Program and several universities. But the stunning cloud it created was seen by more than just the project's scientists.
"I'm sure many unsuspecting folks up and down the East Coast were surprised by this very unusual sight," Rao said.
Este posibil ca acest fenomen sa aiba legatura cu proiectul HAARP?La urma urmei nu prea stim mare lucru despre activitatea bazelor militare americane de pe teritoriul nostru..
Deja tot cerul Romaniei este zilnic spreiat cu dare chimice din avioane, si acest fenomen se intampla chiar si in timpul noptii. Darele sunt peste tot- peste Petru Voda, peste Ceahlau, peste Bucuresti,Muntenia, Oltenia si Ardeal. Deja am facut astfel de poze si speram sa fie puse pe net cat de curand. Pozeaza si tu si publica niste articole pe tema asta, pt ca in Romania foarte multi oameni care nici macar nu stiu ce sunt alea dare chimice.
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