
Monday, October 12, 2009

AL GORE bagat in colt pentru minciunile sale "ecologiste" de catre jurnalistul independent Phelim McAleer, caruia i s-a taiat brutal microfonul. VIDEO

Alt "nobelist" de talia lui Obama, fostul vicepresedinte american Al Gore, care nu a raspuns la nici o intrebare din partea unui jurnalist in ultimii 4 (patru) ani, a fost prins la o conferinta "ecologista" de catre prietenul meu, jurnalistul irlandez Phelim McAller.
Daca ati plans pana acum la documentarele siropoase cu moartea ursilor polari de transpiratie excesiva din cauza incalzirii globale - vrajeala lui Gore & Comp - trebuie sa va reveniti. Ursii nu sunt o specie pe cale de disparitie - dupa cum afirma non-stop mega-mincinosii planetari ai religiei "incalzirii globale" - ci, dimpotriva, numarul lor creste an de an, dupa cum releva adevaratii oameni de stiinta. Ei bine, cu aceasta problema l-a confruntat Phelim pe Gore. Rezultatul: i s-a taiat brutal microfonul!
Vedeti VIDEO si cititi mai jos povestea.
Phelim si sotia sa, Ann McElhinney, lucreaza la un documentar despre minciuna ecologista: Not Evil, Just Wrong (eu cred ca ambele...), a carui premiera va avea loc pe 18 octombrie. In Romania, cei doi jurnalisti inimosi au luptat, printre altele, impotriva mafiei internationale a adoptiilor, incurajata de interesele mafiei homosexualilor din SUA. Bravo, fratilor!
Cititi ce zice presa americana despre micul eveniment generat de Phelim:

Al Gore's First (and Probably Last) Q&A
A Nobel Prize winner takes a few questions


Before President Obama won his Nobel Peace Prize, the real signal that the Norwegian Nobel committee had become politicized was its 2007 prize to Al Gore, largely for his global warming film "An Inconvenient Truth."

For a public figure, Mr. Gore has been strangely reluctant to answer questions or debate the more controversial parts of his work. But over the weekend, he deigned to take a few questions during a meeting of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Madison, Wisconsin.

Irish documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer was in the line. A former Financial Times journalist, his new film, "Not Evil, Just Wrong," is a direct refutation of Mr. Gore's thesis and warns that rushing to judgment in combating climate change would threaten the world's poor. When his turn came, Mr. McAleer asked Mr. Gore about a court case in Britain in which a parent had objected to "An Inconvenient Truth" being shown to British schoolchildren because it was largely propaganda, not science.

Mr. Gore swatted away the question by claiming the judge had found in favor of his film. He also briefly addressed one of the objections to his film by scoffing at claims that polar bears weren't an endangered species. Mr. McAleer tried to follow up by pointing out that polar bear populations were increasing, but his microphone was quickly cut off. Organizers insisted that several other people were waiting with questions and they had to move on.

In fact, Mr. Gore didn't answer Mr. McAleer's question and was wrong on the facts. The British court found that An Inconvenient Truth "is a political film" riddled with scientific errors. The judge also held that requiring the film to be shown in schools would be a violation of law, unless accompanied by "guidance" pointing out its errors. The judge concluded that the claimant who objected to the film "substantially won this case by virtue of my finding that, but for the new guidance note, the film would have been distributed in breach of sections 406 and 407 of the 1996 Education Act."

As for polar bears, Mr. McAleer was correct: Surveys show their numbers are increasing.

Mr. McAleer, whose film premiers this weekend, says he's more disappointed in the environmental journalists who give Mr. Gore cover than in the former vice president. Mr. Gore is simply doing what any propagandist with a weak case would do -- avoiding serious debate or exchange. To quote the late William F. Buckley, "There is a reason that baloney rejects the grinder."

Vezi si Washington Times despre filmul lor

Marii mincinosi si manipulatori mondiali. Feriti-va! Un om informat e pe jumatate salvat.

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