Ziua a 11-a. INP: 578 morti si peste 2700 de raniti. Marturia unui medic norvegian despre crimele din Gaza: "Este ca Infernul lui Dante!"
Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor in Gaza, tells Sky News and CBS that the number of civilians injured and killed in Gaza proves that Israel is deliberately attacking the population
For immediate release Palestinian National Initiative
Families face deaths in the Gaza Strip 578 people killed in Gaza and more than 2,700 wounded
Ramallah, 06-01-09: For the 11th consecutive day, Israel continued its attacks on the Gaza Strip: by air strikes and ground operations.
Since the beginning of the Israeli invasion, 578 people in Gaza were killed, of which approximately 70 children and 27 women. By now, a total of 2,700 Gazans are injured of which more than 270 and 650 children.
Despite the Israeli recurrent discourse claiming an attack on military and Hamas’s infrastructure and militants, facts are clear and Israel’s war has mainly been conducted against civilians.
At least 17 families from Gaza were reported struck, causing many dead among civilians, mothers and children. “Those families are not Hamas members”, says Mustafa Barghouthi. “Missiles do not differentiate people by their political affiliation. They simply kill everyone in their path.”
The only family that has effective Hamas affiliation is the Rayan Family, where the father Nizar Rayan was killed, along with 14 members of his family, of which 4 women and 9 children.
But despite this, the lives of 17 Gazans families -gathered to face together to ongoing massacre- fathers, mother and children has been taken, while the Israeli PR machine is going to claim for “collateral damage”.
“Thos sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, mothers and fathers cannot be considered without humanity as ‘collateral damages”, emphasized Mustafa Barghouthi. Among those, were:
- In the Baker family, a mother died, along with her 4 children of which a one-year old boy and a two-year old girl. - In the Ba’lousha family, 5 sisters were killed: Aya, Iman, Ikram, Tihryr and Samar. - In the Al Ris family, 3 deaths were reported. - In the Hawaj family, the father and a son were reported killed. - In the Asumudi family, 7 were killed, of which 4 children. - In the Al’Bsy family, 3 children were killed. - In the Al Kashko family, the son, the daughter and the daughter-in law were killed. - In the Thalal Hamdan family, Lama (4), Haya (11) and Ismail (10), 2 sisters and 1 brother were killed. - In the Astal family, 2 brothers and their cousin were killed: Mohammad Iyaad (10), Abed Rabu (11) and Abed As-Satar Walid (11) were killed. - In the Barbakh family, the grandfather, three brothers and the grandson were killed. - In the Hilu family, 5 girls and their grandfather were killed. - In The Abu Aisha family, 7 dead were reported: the father, the mother and their 5 children.
Three other un-identified families were heavily struck by the Israeli forces, resulting in the death of 19 other persons, of which a mother and her 4 daughters and a father and his 5 children.
Attacks have increased without any major intervention from the international community.
"It is now time to end the massacre, time for Israel to stop its aggression on Palestinian civilians, and time for the International Community to take its responsibilities and stop the Israeli bloodbath and impose a ceasefire,” says Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, the Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative. Contacts: 0599 94 00 73 or bahiaamra@gmail.com
S-asa-s de multi/ Ce mint cu gândul, vorba, fapta, ba/ Se mint pe sine însusi chiar, încât/ În mine s-a stârnit mândria crunta/ De-a spune adevarul – daca chiar/ Prin el lumea s-aprinde (1).
„Ei mint – eu adevarul îl spun, caci nu ma tem / De-a lui urmari” (2).
„Cel mai mare pacat al oamenilor e frica, spaima de a privi în fata, s-a recunoaste adevarul. El e crud acest adevar – dar numai el foloseste” (3).
1. Versuri fragmentare din mss. 2259.
2. M. Eminescu, Opere, I, p. 94.
3. Idem, Opere, IX, p. 311.
Puse la un loc de Theodor Codreanu
„Noi, poporul latin de confesiune ortodoxă, suntem în realitate elementul menit a încheia lanţul dintre Apus şi Răsărit; aceasta o simţim noi înşine, se simte în mare parte de opinia publică europeană, aceasta o voim şi, dacă dinastia va împărtăşi direcţia de mişcare a poporului românesc, o vom şi face. Oricât de adânci ar fi dezbinările ce s-au produs în timpul din urmă în ţara noastră, când e vorba de legea părinţilor noştri, care ne leagă de Orient, şi de aspiraţiunile noastre, care ne leagă de Occident şi pe cari sperăm a le vedea întrupate în dinastie, vrăjmaşii, oricare ar fi, ei, ne vor găsi uniţi şi tot atât de tari în hotărârile noastre ca şi în trecut“.
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ESTE HAR... - să iubeşti fără să fii iubit… - să slujeşti fără să fii preţuit… - să dăruieşti fără să ţi se mulţumească… - să te jertfeşti şi fără să ţi se recunoască… - să ierţi fără să fii iertat… - să-l susţii pe cel care te-a lepădat… - să rămâi liniştit, deşi eşti nedreptăţit… - să crezi deşi nu vezi faţă în faţă… - să crezi deşi nu eşti deplin lămurit… - să investeşti clădind fără speranţe… - să taci pentru a nu face rau aproapelui… - să vorbeşti de dragul adevărului… - sa te jertfesti pentru dreptate... - să înduri fără să murmuri, fără să cârteşti…. - totul să-ţi aparţină, dar tu de toate bucuros sa te lipseşti… Luptă-te, suflete, ca să primeşti acest har!
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