"Profesorul" Volodya considera pe coperta volumului de diliu a lui Pacepa ca aceasta "fascinanta si provocatoare" carte "va schimba definitiv intelegerea noastra despre unul dintre cele mai tulburatoare episoade ale secolului al XX-lea". Nu aceeasi este si parerea CIA.
Reproduc mai jos cronica CIA la misto a "studiului" lui Pacepa, pe care acesta sustine ca "l-a aprofundat inca din 1992" (!) - probabil atunci nu-si inchipuia ca CIA e mai democratica decat KGB si va scoate documentele secrete la lumina - si ca a vrut sa il scrie inca de cand a ajuns in America (conform unui interviu imaginar publicat de agentul Badin in Jurnalul National sub titlul "Pacepa vorbeste romanilor dupa 29 de ani"). Probabil, totusi, ca a fost prea ocupat timp de 30 de ani cu taiatul gazonului la caini si abia acum s-a hotarat sa spuna adevarul: sa "sparga" KGB-ul! Mama lui de KGB!
Sigur, uita sa ne spuna de ce nu a facut asta cand KGB-ul chiar era KGB iar SUA erau in razboi cald-rece cu Rusia. Oare s-ar fi suparat superiorii lui sovietici pe el, ca isi incalca juramantul si deterioreaza imaginea regimului si a serviciului?!
Traduc pentru dvs cateva extrase din finalul extrem de amuzant al cronicii CIA la cartea lui Pacepa:
"Ce dovada ofera Pacepa pentru povestea sa imaginativa? Doar abilitatile sale analitice si experienta sa cu KGB ( :) - nota mea). Lucrarea este plina de termeni ca "trebuie să aiba", "ar putea sa fie foarte posibil," si "desigur, nu exista nici o modalitate de a cunoaste.""
"Programat sa Ucida prezinta o explicatie imaginara a asasinarii lui Kennedy, dar care este de asemenea neverosimila. Pacepa nu a conectat puncte, ci a adaugat altele noi. Un avertisment de sănătate se justifică."
Sa mori de ras nu alta! Auzi: Avertisment de sanatate! Ha, ha, ha!
Ion Mihai Pacepa, Programmed to Kill: Lee Harvey Oswald, the Soviet KGB, and the Kennedy Assassination – The Training of a Dedicated Agent (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2007), 349 pp., endnotes, index.
In his first book, Ion Pacepa told of his life as a Romanian intelligence officer who achieved high rank and worked closely with the KGB before defecting to the United States in the late 1970s.[13] The present work applies his knowledge of KGB operational tradecraft to the case of Lee Harvey Oswald to determine whether Oswald was a KGB agent.
As the title suggests, Pacepa is convinced Oswald was recruited. He concludes that Oswald most likely succumbed to a clever honey trap when he served with the US Marines in Japan, where he provided secret details about the U-2 and became a dedicated communist. After his discharge from the Marines, Pacepa says, Oswald made a “secret trip” to Moscow, which became public when he unexpectedly renounced his US citizenship and demanded to remain in the Soviet Union.
Whether Oswald’s story, up to this point, was contrived by the KGB is not clear, but, according to Pacepa, he was later trained in the use of microdots and as a marksman before being dispatched on an assassination mission in the United States.
Oswald’s marriage and dissatisfaction with life in the Soviet Union were part of his cover story to explain his return to to the United States, where he was handled by a KGB illegal. When Khrushchev decided not to conduct any more foreign assassinations, Oswald was ordered to stand down, but he declined and decided to show the Soviets what he could do by assassinating President Kennedy. Jack Ruby was then instructed to kill Oswald to keep him quiet, according to Pacepa.
What evidence does Pacepa provide for his imaginative story? Only his analytical skills and his experience with the KGB. The book is filled with terms like “must have,” “could very possible have,” and “of course, there is no way of knowing.” It also fails to account for Oswald’s frequent statements while in the service that he was a Marxist. They were so frequent, in fact, that Pacepa claims Oswald’s Marine buddies nicknamed him Oswaldovich. Equally baffling is Oswald’s retention of a security clearance in the mid-1950s, when, by most accounts, anyone openly espousing Marxist views would have lost his clearance and been dismissed from the service.
An equally likely explanation for Pacepa’s version is what R.V. Jones called Crabtree’s Bludgeon: “No set of mutually inconsistent observations can exist for which some human intellect cannot conceive a coherent explanation, however complicated.”[14]
Programmed to Kill presents a conceivable explanation of Kennedy’s assassination, but it is also implausible. Pacepa doesn’t connect the dots, he adds new ones. A health warning is warranted. [Top of page at CIA.gov]
DOVADA US SS / CIA - Raport privind asasinarea lui John Kennedy

O descriere profesionista si care este confirmata si de documentul de mai sus, AICI: Cine era Lee Harvey Oswald?
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