
Monday, December 29, 2008

Macel in Gaza. "Lumea civilizata" tace sau se pregateste de distractia Revelionului. A treia zi de razboi

US president elect Obama regarding Gaza: “NO COMMENT”
Edward R. Murrow, CBS Journalist and Anchor: "No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices."
Photo AP: Because of the death of two israelis, in Gaza, as the morgues overflow, corpses of some of the 300 victims of Israeli bombing are heaped on the ground outside Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
"The massacre of the Palestinians continues unabated with blood, tears, and screams going unseen and unheard by a callous world. The Arab leaders have done their part—most have issued “press releases” to urge a return to the cease fire that Israel broke and indirectly blame Hamas for forcing Israel’s hand, the hand that has never stopped killing and expelling Palestinians since 1948. No Arab leader has publicly appeared to condemn this atrocity.

Israel’s brilliant media strategy is to prevent western journalists from entering Gaza to document the dead and charred bodies lining the streets while allowing free access to the Arab media to further inflame the Arab Muslim world against American policies and interests, perhaps leading to terrorism against Americans and their institution, thereby justifying Israel’s “war of terror upon the innocent”. "
Source: Mohamed Khodr - The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza: The Sacrificial Lamb to Israeli-American-Arab Interests -
References: (A list of Online Books on Israel and Palestine: some links are lost, excellent bibliography for in depth reading) (Arthur Koestler’s book online: The 13th Tribe; how European Jews arose from the Kingdom of Khazaria and not from the original Israelites) (Excellent Analytical Site on the Israeli Palestine conflict) (Comprehensive/Excellent Informative Site on all issues of Israel’s Terrorism/Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine) (Great site by an American Journalist on the Israeli Palestinian conflict) (Superb Site of Archived Articles/Books on the most critical issues of today) (Site of wide ranging articles on the MidEast, U.S. foreign policy, Muslim world) (Critical Political Articles and Islamic teachings) (Good Analytical Articles on worldwide issues) (Best site on Antiwar Articles) (Excellent Site/Newsletter with well known authors) (Most Comprehensive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem by Issa Nakhleh) (Good Review of the Talmud) (Noam Chomsky: International Terrorism: Image and Reality
In Alexander George (ed.), Western State Terrorism, Routledge, December, 1991) (The Blasphemous belief of Hasidic Jews regarding Jesus/Mary)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nici nu ma mira...
SUA este pricipalul sustinator (si la propriu si la figurat) al statului evreu. Anual milioane de dolari din taxele populatiei se duc in buzunarul statului Israelian in semn de prietenie.
Ce credeati ca daca s-a "schimabat" guvernul, lupii si-au schimbat si naravul?