
Sa nu citesti asta pentru ca s-ar putea sa afli ceva din acest text si noi nu putem permite asa ceva, nu-i asa ?
Supune-te programarii ce ti s-a facut si nu citi asta !
Ba chiar nu citi chiar nimic, daca se poate.
Nu citi acest material. Nu fura acesta material. Tine-ti gura si supune-te.
Daca ai mers pana aici, felicitari – ai reusit sa rezisti programarii la care esti supus, macar intr-o masura.
Si – in ce consta programarea la care esti supus?
Dupa unele informatii, exista mesaje subliminale (adresate direct subconstientului, adica dincolo de controlul si intelegerea ta, ca o otrava ce ti se toarna pe furis in minte si in suflet - n.t.), in filme si alte imagini video, la radio, in muzica si in alte surse ce-ti instileaza ideea de « a nu citi ». Inchide ochii ! Vezi indemnul « nu citi » ?
Se folosesc si alte mesaje subliminale ca sa se manevreze oamenii.
Oare de ce sa se dedea cineva la asa ceva ?
Ei bine, raspunsul este destul de usor de aflat. Se face asta pentru ca stiinta este putere si
deoarece clasa conducatoare mondiala stie asta si, de aceea, a decis sa faca totul ca sa tina gloatele in intuneric asa incat ea (clasa conducatoare mondiala) sa ramana mai departe la putere. Oamenii neinvatati si nestiutori pot fi usor manevrati.
Aceasta este Epoca Informatiei si omul obisnuit are azi mai mult acces la informatie decat in orice moment al istoriei. Si, atunci, de ce nu progreseaza lumea in salturi ? De ce, dimpotriva, se pare ca de fapt dam inapoi, intorcandu-ne la vremurile cele mai inapoiate ? Da, asa este, este Epoca Informatiei. Dar uitati-va cu atentie la toate gunoaiele de pe Internet. Puteti conchide ca traim in Epoca Falsei Informari sau Epoca Dezinformarii. Poate fi un program minutios de distragere a atentiei oamenilor spre chestiuni minore si de coborare a nivelului lor de judecata. Unii spun ca Internetul este un exemplu de coborare a nivelului mental al omenirii - cuvant de ordine in spatiul cibernetic.
Altii zic ca Internetul este ce este pentru ca asta vor oamenii. Ei spun ca gloatele au vrut totdeauna distractie descreierata si reamintesc « painea si circul » din Imperiul Roman.
Dar este o chestiune! Imperiul Roman oferea deliberat gloatelor de plebei, maselor, paine si circ pentru a le mentine linistite.
Insa nu exista nimic mai rau decat inrobirea mentala si acceptarea nejudecata a unei situatii inacceptabile.
Majoritatea oamenilor incep sa-si piarda capacitatea de a gandi critic, daca, ma rog, au avut vreodata o astfel de insusire.
Deci, care este solutia ?
E usor. Ganditi. Pur si simplu – ganditi! Incepeti sa ganditi cu discernamant despre lumea din jurul dumneavoastra. Ganditi despre orice. Dar fiti siguri ca gandurile dvs sunt propriile dvs ganduri si nu ideile altcuiva ce v-au fost turnate in cap.
Ati ajuns pana aici? Daca da, felicitari pentru ca ati rezistat cu succes programului de manipulare. Si ganditi in continuare!
de Hamid Golpira /Tehran Times
Don’t read this
Don’t read this.
Don’t read this because you might learn something from it, and we can’t have that, can we?
Obey your programming and don’t read this.
As a matter of fact, don’t read anything at all if possible.
Don’t read this article. Don’t steal this article. Be silent and obey.
If you have gotten this far, congratulations -– you have successfully resisted your programming, at least to some extent.
And what is the programming?
According to some reports, there are subliminal messages on television, in films and other video images, on the radio, in music, and in other sources saying “don’t read”.
Close your eyes. Can you see the message “don’t read”?
Other similar subliminal messages are also being used to control people.
Now why would anyone do that?
Well, the answer is easy enough to discover. It is because knowledge is power and the global ruling class knows this and has thus decided to make every effort to keep the masses in the dark so they can stay in power.
Uneducated people are easier to control.
This is the Information Age and the average person now has more access to information than at any time in world history.
So why is the world not making progress in leaps and bounds? Why does it seem like we are actually moving backwards, regressing to a more retrograde era?
Yes, this indeed is the Information Age. But take a look at all the nonsense on the Internet. That may lead you to conclude that we’re living in the Misinformation Age or the Disinformation Age.
This very well may be an elaborate program to divert people’s attention to matters of no real importance and to lower the level of their thinking.
Some people say the Internet is an example of the dumbing down of the world, writ large in cyberspace.
Others say the Internet is what it is because that’s what the people want. They say the masses have always wanted mindless entertainment and point to the bread and circuses of the Roman Empire.
But there’s the rub. The Roman Empire deliberately gave the masses bread and circuses to keep them complacent.
There is nothing worse than mental slavery and mindless acceptance of an unacceptable situation.
Most people are beginning to lose the ability to think critically, if they ever had such a skill in the first place.
So what is the solution?
It’s easy. Think. Just think. Begin to think critically about the world around you. Think about anything at all. But make sure your thoughts are your own ideas and not the ideas of someone else that have been downloaded into your head.
Did you get this far? If so, congratulations for successfully resisting your programming. Keep on thinking.
By Hamid Golpira / Tehran Times
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